What is a Legal Document Preparer?
By Pamela Milburn
(The information provided is to help the consumer better understand what a Legal Document Preparer does and how using one can benefit the consumer. Furthermore this information in no way represents that a Legal Document Preparer is better than an Attorney, nor are we Paralegals - Pursuant to Arizona Supreme Court Rule 31 a Paralegal prepare documents under the supervision of an attorney.
Legal Docuent Preparers are certified to prepare legal documents for a person or entity who is not represented by an attorney, without the supervision of an attorney.
Special Notice: Arizona Code of Judical Administration (ACJA) standard 5 (C): A Legal Document Preparer shall not provide any kind of advice, opinion or recommendation to a consumer about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or strategies. Legal Document Preparer is not an attorney, is not employed by an attorney, unable to provide legal advice or opinion, nor represent the public in court and communications with a legal document preparer is not privileged. Cannot prepare documents if client has already obtained the services of an attorney to prepare the same documents.
In Arizona, all Legal Document Preparers have to be certified through the Arizona Supreme Court Legal Document Preparer Program and maintain 10 hours of continuing education each year.
If you feel you need legal advice, you should retain the services of an Attorney. You can then have a Legal Document Preparer create the documents for you. Keep in mind that a Legal Document Preparer is not an Attorney and cannot represent you in a court of law.
Legal Document Preparers are trained to prepare legal documents, business documents, contracts, and agreements. They also can provide legal research. Some specialize in a specific area such as family law.
Fees charged by Legal Document Preparers are often more affordable compared to an Attorneys fee. This doesn't mean that a Legal Document Preparer is in any way better than an Attorney. The consumer must remember that a Legal Document Preparer doesn't provide any legal advice, but is an expert at properly completing the documents. Legal Document Preparer fees do not include costs incurred to the client such as filing fees, court costs, service fees, mailings and etc.
I hope this has answered some of your questions about the Legal Document Preparer profession.